Today, I talk about personal values in home creation. Values are the third lesson in Mindset & Motivation, which is the first foundation of the Holistic Home Method.

In this episode, we look at what values are and why they are so important in shaping a meaningful and purposeful home, and how aligning with our personal values helps us develop the mindset and motivation we need to create home we truly desire.

Here’s a recap:

  1. Core values are our deepest desires, beliefs, and priorities and they highlight what matters most to us. They also play a significant role in influencing the homes we inevitably create, because our decisions and priorities are often based on our values.

  2. Everyone has a unique set of values. Values often can coincide with a person’s gifts, talents and personality. Understanding our values can help us understand our choices, desires and even fears. Knowing what is important to us can help us align our homes with our inner selves, which creates more intention, purpose and fulfillment in our homes and our lives.  

  3. There are numerous benefits to prioritizing our values in our home creation and our life.

  4. Our values manifest within our home environments. They influence how we clean, organize, build routines, set goals, design and decorate in our homes. They shape how we create home and how we experience our homes.

  5. We dive into Values further in the First Foundation of Home: Mindset & Motivation, which within the holistic home framework.


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