Today, I talk about fulfillment in home creation. What does it actually mean to be fulfilled in our home creation, how it differs from satisfaction and happiness, and what leads to fulfillment in our homes and lives.

In this episode, I will share some practical ways to create fulfillment in our homes, with our home creation and in our lives.

Here’s a recap:

  1. A more fulfilling life is typically the result of living authentically and in a way that is consistent with our beliefs and potential – living a life that is aligned with who we are and what we really want.

  2. Creating satisfaction and fulfillment in our home and lives is about internal alignment. The journey to a more fulfilling life and home actually starts within

  3. We can start creating fulfillment in our homes and lives when we:

  • look within and identifying who we are.

  • build our relationships

  • stop comparing ourselves, our homes and our lives to others, and to really accept what is.

  • engage in care practices

  • lean into self-love and compassion and to improve our self-talk.

  • have a growth mindset, never stop learning and seek help from others.

  • practice gratitude and be grateful in our lives. 

  • give generously and serve others.

  • let go of unpleasant experiences and forgive the past

  • create meaningful work and persistently move towards your dreams.

  • consider our physical environment.

4. We dive deeper into these topics and more in the Holistic Home Method and the Five Foundations of Home. Working together might be the support you need to create more fulfillment in your home and with your home creation.

Please reach out if you would like to talk about the possibility of working together in creating a happier and healthier home with more success, fulfillment and joy.


WORK WITH ME: Book a FREE discovery call HERE. Find out more about Holistic Home HERE.


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